BEEP! BEEP! This Week’s Traffic Advisories
Current Week’s Map and List of All Planned Traffic Impacts available here.
The Traffic Advisory Map and List is updated every week and displays planned or expected traffic impacts from various Capital Improvement Projects. Work being done by other agencies (such as the County or a Utility company) as well as commercial and residential projects that may temporarily impede traffic are also included when the City is notified.
If you have questions about a specific traffic advisory or a construction project, please contact the name and number listed on the advisory. For general inquiries or to reach the City’s Public Works Department main line, please call 949-644-3311.
For unplanned traffic impacts, such as unexpected delays, emergency work, major accidents or traffic signal malfunctions, use one of the following options to receive timely updates:
- Facebook cityofnewportbeach
- Twitter @newportbeachgov
- Nixle: receive messages from the Police Department. Text your zip code to 888777
- Email alerts when you register your email
Our thanks to Public Works Transportation Division for providing this service.

Solar Systems Online Applications
The City of Newport Beach has launched its new online application process for Solar Systems installations.
Effective August 1, 2024, all NEW solar plan reviews must be submitted online. NEW In-person plan reviews will no
longer be accepted. For assistance with submitting the plans online, please see the concierge or a technician.
For more information visit the City’s webpage devoted to Solar systems.

Pitch In!
The City of Newport Beach has launched its new Summer-long anti-litter campaign that will run from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
The theme of the campaign is “Make a Splash, Pick up Trash: Keep Newport Beach Beautiful.” Over the course of the summer, residents and visitors will see the colorful campaign signs at the entrances to beaches, around public parks and City facilities in beach areas, and displayed by participating private businesses. Thanks for doing your part to keep our beaches and parks litter free.
General Plan Update News
Newport Beach voters last approved our General Plan in 2006, and will be asked to vote on the updated General Plan when completed. This is why it is important for community members to stay informed and engaged in this process … to have a voice in developing the goals and policies that will shape the neighborhoods where we live, work and recreate.
A general plan is the framework for decision-making regarding the management and growth of a city. It is an aspirational blueprint of a city that includes goals and policies to guide a city to achieve the community’s future vision. State law mandates that every California City and county adopt “a comprehensive, long-term general plan.” The Newport Beach General Plan includes the seven (7) state-mandated elements — Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Natural Resources, Open Space, Noise, and Safety — as well as a Harbor and Bay, Historical Resources, Recreation, and Arts and Cultural element.
The City has two groups that are working on the General Plan update, and they regularly hold public meetings to discuss the update process and proposed changes to policies and goals.
General Plan Steering Committee is tasked first and foremost to ensure public outreach and input. Learn more about the Steering Committee here.
General Plan Advisory Committee is a group of citizens from every geographic area in Newport Beach who work closely with the Steering Committee to develop updated policies and goals. This broad committee is broken up into subcommittees, one for each of the state-mandated elements. Learn more about the Advisory Committee here.
Committee Dates: Available on CdMRA’s Events page
CdMRA publishes the Steering Committee and Advisory Committee/Subcommittees meeting dates its Events page. Dates change regularly so check it often if you have an interest in sharing your thoughts and providing input on any of the following General Plan Elements:
- Vision Statement: How we see our city now and in the future
- Land Use: Where everything goes: open space, R1, R2, commercial, etc. (the pattern of development)
- Arts and Culture/Historical Resources: Recognize and maintain historical resources; how to ensure active and cohesive art/cultural activities
- Noise: Identify different noise levels for different areas of the city
- Recreation: Programs and facilities, analysis of balance of public space and recreational space throughout the city
- Natural Resources: Conservation and preservation of terrestrial and marine resources, open space, air and water quality
- Safety: Planning, managing various natural hazards (earthquakes, wildfire, sea level rise)
- Harbor/Bay: Public access, water quality, boating and other recreational activities
NOTE: The Housing Element and Circulation Element do not have subcommittees because one is certified and the other was approved by City Council.
The City of Newport Beach offers an online tool called AquaTrax to monitor water use. Once logged in, residents can view and track their average daily use, as well spikes in water use that may signal a potential leak.
Water customers can monitor their water use online with the same username and password used to pay water bills. Customers who do not use online bill pay can still access the water use data by registering at with a water account number.
CR&R Now Billing for Additional Trash, Recycling Carts
Do you have extra trash carts that you now longer need? Now’s a good time to address that.
Beginning the week of July 11, CR&R, the City’s waste contractor, started billing Newport Beach residents for additional trash and recycling carts above those allocated under the current recycling program (sample billing notice can be viewed here).
And here is a sample of the CR&R billing statement.
Residents can review and select their household’s combination of free refuse and recycling carts through CR&R’s website or by contacting CR&R Customer Service.
Visit the City’s webpage which addresses extra trash cart costs, how to check your billing status, and how to contact CR&R if you wish to make changes or have questions. Click here.

NBFD’s Wildland Fire Engine
The Newport Beach Fire Department introduced its newest fire engine with improved off-road capabilities designed to battle wildland fires.
The wildland fire engine will be primarily utilized for the protection of the Newport Coast area and deployed to assist neighboring agencies as needed … read more here.
Local News Sources
We’d like to give a shout out to just a few of our local news sources. Take a look when you want a fresh, comprehensive look at Newport Beach news.
Tom Johnson’s StuNews Newport publishes this online twice weekly blog on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Chris Trela’s Newport Beach Independent publishes a weekly blog and print edition which focused on Newport Beach news.
The LA Times publishes local news for Newport Beach and surrounding communities in its Daily Pilot edition delivered with your LA Times newspaper or available online at
Riley Hayes and Alex Crawford’s Good Morning Newport provides interesting video journalism on local government topics.
Instagram @goodmorningnewport
Bill Lobdell takes back in time with stories about Newport Beach headlines and events using Instagram for images and podcasts for narrative.
Instagram @newport-in-the-rearviewmirrorand Podcasts at